Crash Replacement

What is Crash Replacement?
In the unfortunate case of a crash or accidental impact, forces exerted on the frame or components can lead to structural failure.
Crash Replacement allows you to replace damaged Canyon branded parts such as your frame, fork or components at a reduced cost. We can even swap everything over and service your bike.
Crash replacement is a voluntary service provided by Canyon to help replace damaged parts after an accident. It isn’t available for third party components and we cannot guarantee there will always be replacement parts available in identical colours.
How does Crash Replacement work?
- Send us a description of the damage, photos and your contact details using the form. You may need to send your bike to our workshop for a detailed inspection.
- Our team will check everything over and get back to you with a quote to replace any damaged parts.
- Once confirmed, we will order the replacement parts. Any damaged parts being replaced become property of Canyon and will need to be sent to us before the order can be processed.
- For smaller components like seatposts and stems we might ask you to dispose of the damaged items and send us proof before the replacements are dispatched.
- Our workshop can also provide you with a quote to swap the damaged parts and service your bike.
Crash Replacement eligibility
- Crash Replacement is available to the original owner only and cannot be transferred. It can be used once within 3 years of the purchase date.
- Crash Replacement is a like for like service. It is not possible to swap between models or sizes.
- The replacement pricing cannot be used alongside any other discounts or offers.
- Crash replacement is not available to insurance companies or for insurance claims.
- Crash replacement is dependent on your shipping location and availability of parts.
Replacement pricing
Get a personalised crash replacement quote using your bike’s serial number
Crash Replacement price finder
or if you don't know your serial number, you can find your bike below
Mountain bikes*
Replacement Price in CZK Year 1 - Year 3 Dude CF 23500 CZK Exceed SL 22200 CZK Exceed SLX 31400 CZK Exceed CFR 39200 CZK Grand Canyon AL 4200 CZK Grand Canyon SL 7300 CZK Grand Canyon AL SLX 7800 CZK Grand Canyon AL SLX WMN 9900 CZK Grand Canyon:ON 18300 CZK Lux World Cup CF 39200 CZK Lux World Cup CFR 62700 CZK Lux CF 39200 CZK Lux CF SLX 44400 CZK Lux Trail CF 39200 CZK Lux Trail CFR 57500 CZK Neuron AL (all models) 17000 CZK Neuron CF SL 31400 CZK Neuron CF SLX 31400 CZK Neuron:ON 31400 CZK Neuron:ON CF 65300 CZK Sender AL 31400 CZK Sender CF 44400 CZK Sender CFR 47000 CZK Spectral AL/ 125 AL 28700 CZK Spectral CF/ 125 CF/ CF KIS 47000 CZK Spectral CFR 57500 CZK Spectral:ON CF 47000 CZK Spectral:ON CFR 70600 CZK Spectral Young Hero 26100 CZK Stoic 7800 CZK Stitched CFR 31400 CZK Fork for Stitched CFR 7800 CZK Stitched 360 7800 CZK Stitched 720 26100 CZK Strive AL 23500 CZK Strive CF 34000 CZK Strive CFR 44400 CZK Strive:ON 54900 CZK Torque AL 23500 CZK Torque CF 34000 CZK Torque:ON 31400 CZK Torque:ON CF 57500 CZK
Road and gravel bikes*
Replacement Price in CZK Year 1 - Year 3 Fork for Aeroad CF SL/ CF SL Disc 7800 CZK Fork for Aeroad CF SLX Disc/ CFR Disc 9100 CZK Fork for Endurace AL/ AL Disc 4200 CZK Fork for Endurace CF/ CF SL/ CF SL Disc 5200 CZK Fork for Endurace CF SLX/ CF SLX Disc 6300 CZK Fork for Endurace CFR 7800 CZK Fork for Endurace:ON 7800 CZK Fork for Ultimate CF SL/ CF SL Disc 7800 CZK Fork for Ultimate CF SLX/ CF SLX Disc 7800 CZK Fork for Ultimate CFR 10500 CZK Fork for Grail AL/ CF SL/ CF SLX 5200 CZK Fork for Grail (Gen 2) CF SL/ CF SLX 6500 CZK Fork for Grail CFR (Gen 2) 7800 CZK Fork for Grail:ON 6500 CZK Fork for Grizl AL/ CF SL/ CF SLX 5200 CZK Fork for Inflite AL SLX/ CF SL/ CF SLX 6300 CZK Fork for Inflite CFR 9100 CZK Fork for Speedmax CF Disc 7800 CZK Fork for Speedmax CF SLX/ CFR Disc 10500 CZK Aeroad CFR 41800 CZK Aeroad CF SLX/ CF SLX Disc 34000 CZK Aeroad CF SL/ CF SL Disc 23500 CZK Endurace CFR 39200 CZK Endurace CF SLX Disc 31400 CZK Endurace CF SL Disc 23500 CZK Endurace CF 19600 CZK Endurace AL/ AL Disc 6500 CZK Endurace:ON 13100 CZK Grail CF SLX 31400 CZK Grail CF SL 23500 CZK Grail AL 5700 CZK Grail CFR (Gen 2) 36600 CZK Grail CF SLX (Gen 2) 28700 CZK Grail CF SL (Gen 2) 28700 CZK Grail:ON 36600 CZK Cockpit for Grail CF SL/ SLX 7800 CZK Grizl CF SLX 31400 CZK Grizl CF SL 23500 CZK Grizl AL 7800 CZK Grizl:ON 36600 CZK Inflite CFR 47000 CZK Inflite CF SLX 31400 CZK Inflite CF SL 23500 CZK Inflite AL 7800 CZK Speedmax CF Disc 31400 CZK Speedmax CF SLX 47000 CZK Speedmax CFR Disc 57500 CZK Speedmax CFR TT Disc 52300 CZK Speedmax Track On Request Ultimate CF SL/ CF SL Disc 26100 CZK Ultimate CF SLX/ CF SLX Disc 34000 CZK Ultimate CF EVO 47000 CZK Ultimate CFR 57500 CZK
Fitness bikes*
Replacement Price in CZK Year 1 - Year 3 Fork for Roadlite AL 3700 CZK Fork for Roadlite SL/ CF 4200 CZK Fork for Roadlite:ON 3900 CZK Fork for Pathlite:ON SL 6500 CZK Roadlite AL 5200 CZK Roadlite SL 7300 CZK Roadlite CF 17000 CZK Roadlite:ON 13100 CZK Pathlite 4400 CZK Pathlite SL 6500 CZK Pathlite:ON 15700 CZK Pathlite:ON SL 15700 CZK Pathlite:ON SUV 19600 CZK
Urban bikes*
Replacement Price in CZK Year 1 - Year 3 Fork for Commuter Sport 5.0 2400 CZK Fork for Commuter 3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0 (MY18 and older) 3700 CZK Fork for Commuter (Sport) 7.0/8.0 5200 CZK Fork for Commuter:ON 5200 CZK Commuter 3.0/4.0 4200 CZK Commuter (Sport) 5.0/6.0 7300 CZK Commuter (Sport) 7.0/8.0 13600 CZK Commuter:ON 13100 CZK Fork for Precede:ON 6500 CZK Precede:ON CF 34000 CZK Precede:ON AL/ AL ST 17000 CZK
Saving (%) Year 1 - Year 3 Seatpost -40 % Stem -40 % Handlebar -40 % Cockpit -40 %
*To fulfil the requirements for Crash Replacement, the frame/fork in question must be returned to us. If replacement is necessary, we reserve the right to retain the broken parts being replaced. Crash Replacement cannot be combined with other discount offers.