Bicycles Carbon

Bicycles Carbon

Take your cycling to the next level with Canyon's carbon bikes. Our carbon framed bikes are designed for experienced cyclists looking for the ultimate ride. With lightweight carbon construction and precision engineering, our carbon road bikes deliver unbeatable performance and speed. Upgrade your ride today with Canyon.

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What is a carbon bike?

A carbon bike is a type of bicycle with a frame made of carbon fibre. The carbon fibre is woven into a fabric and then layered to create a strong and lightweight frame.

Are carbon bikes really worth it?

Yes, carbon bikes are worth it for experienced cyclists looking for a high-performance ride. While they can be more expensive than other types of bikes, the benefits of carbon construction are worth the investment.

Pros and cons of carbon bikes:

  • Pros: lightweight, strong, stiff, comfortable, aerodynamic
  • Cons: expensive, can be brittle, difficult to repair, not as durable as some other materials

Advantages of a carbon bike:

  • Lightweight: Carbon fibre is lighter than other materials, making the bike easier to handle and faster on hills.
  • Strong: Carbon fibre is incredibly strong, which means the bike can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
  • Comfortable: Carbon fibre can absorb vibrations and shocks from the road, making for a smoother ride.
  • Aerodynamic: Carbon frames can be designed to be very aerodynamic, reducing wind resistance and making the bike faster.

What types of carbon bikes are there?

Carbon bikes are available across the range which includes:

  • Carbon road bikes: Road cycling has become synonymous with carbon bikes. Due to its lightweight properties, you'll see a lot of performance gains on a carbon road bike. This is particularly true with our range of aero road bikes and racing road bikes. Endurance bikes are often made of carbon due to their comfort on long distances.
  • Carbon gravel bikes: If you're trying to put power down off road, a carbon gravel bike lightens the load. And if you're racing the likes of Unbound, it's important you have the strongest and lightest gravel bike for the job.
  • Carbon mountain bikes: A carbon mountain bikes are generally faster on the climbs as the transfer from the pedals to wheels is much more efficient. Carbon also absorbs a lot of vibrations and shocks from the trail, making for a smoother ride. A lighter bike is also more agile, so you'll be able to navigate technical trails a lot easier.
  • Carbon hybrid bikes: Cycling around town can be done in style and comfort on a carbon hybrid bike. Enjoy a smooth ride whether you're on the city streets or local bike paths. Carbon is a durable material, so it'll last you for years to come.
  • Carbon e-bikes: A carbon e-bike is a great choice if you're looking for performance, durability and efficiency. As the price point of these bikes tends to be higher, you'll have a bike that will last a long time thanks to the benefits of carbon. Lighter in weight and more efficient power transfer means the battery will last longer as well.

Why are carbon bikes expensive?

Carbon bikes are expensive because the manufacturing process is complex and requires specialised equipment. Additionally, carbon fibre is an expensive material, so the cost of materials also drives up the price.

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